Your Name. (2016)
28 May 2023

I'm just new to Makoto Shinkai's filmography , just few weeks back watched Suzume and really delivered a heart warming experience . But heard that it's not upto Your Name movie in some of the reviews . Right after that they re-released Makoto Shinkai's filmography and I got a chance to watch Your Name on big screen . Anime on theater are totally a different level vibe . Your Name is a surreal mix of romance drama and fantasy , narration was quite mysterious and it was really hard to figure out what's the actual plot at first , but way they placed exciting twist and turns makes it more intresting , especially after long time saw a nail biting climax where as an audience we want lead pair to meet again and get together . Connecting the romance and cosmic phenomena was something unique . Characters were well written . Humor worked well in many places . Animation visuals were stunning with mind blowing sound track .

Overall , a wholesome romance fantasy to watch . Glad that I watched it on big screen .
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