Poker Face: Dead Man's Hand (2023)
Season 1, Episode 1
You had me at the Columbo font
28 May 2023
It's not often I get excited about a new tv show these days, but when I stumbled across Rian Johnson's new offering, I could tell something special was in store when the opening credits used the Columbo font.

As the story unfolded it became clear how deliberate that was, when Charlie's gravelly voice delivered lines very reminiscent of Peter Falk's legendary detective.

This is a cool, fresh take on the old 70s TV detective format. It felt very modern, and even though it adopted the Columbo pattern of showing the murder in all it's detail at the beginning, there were still plenty of surprises and twists in store.

There were plenty of little clues that viewers paying attention could detect ahead of the reveals, and there were plenty of movie and tv references, most notably the huge stuffed birds of prey behind the psychotic killer referencing Anthony Perkins in psycho

There are also great guest star appearances in each episode, and wonderful cinematography throughout. A strong series that I hope will continue!
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