Review of Episode 8

Alice in Borderland: Episode 8 (2022)
Season 2, Episode 8
Season Two Review
28 May 2023
I largely enjoyed the first season of "Alice In Borderland" though perhaps more in the earlier "games" section that the later beach aspects. I enjoyed this season also, if perhaps a little underwhelmed by the reveals in the conclusion. I'm going to review this as a season conclusion, rather than a series one as, even though it reaches a perfectly decent resolution, I know from supplementary reading that the show might continue.

Having gathered all the number cards from the games, the picture cards make their presence felt with giant airships identifying the locations of their games. That is except for the King of Spades, who patrols the whole city mercilessly slaughtering anyone he comes across. Arisu (Kento Yamazaki), Usagi (Tao Tsuchiya) and their group flee from the King of Spades, before regrouping and deciding on the King of Clubs (Tomohisa Yamashita) as their next target. During this game though, Arisu makes a realisation about the top players that concerns him greatly.

Lots of interesting decisions made in this season. Rather than seeing every game that the main characters play, we're instead focusing on a few key ones, and they can and do span over several episodes. Arisu and Usagi actually only play three games, with Chishiya, played by Nijiro Murakami, participating in another two. The games were again, probably the highlight of the series for me with the forest diversions less interesting. Performances and visual effects remain strong, with perhaps the visuals even improving on the first run.

I try not to write reviews with spoilers, so I'll keep this vague. Having not been familiar with where the series was going, I was maybe a bit disappointed with the resolution that was forthcoming. To be fair to them, I'm not sure than any explanation was going to make me entirely happy, but of the ones proposed this was my least favourite.

I'd like to see more, but they don't decide to, despite some occasional pacing issues, I've enjoyed "Alice In Borderlands".
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