Truly a great story without the need to overdramatize, while not boring you out of your mind.
30 May 2023
Most professional critics have been extremely harsh in their reviews of this of this movie. Of course, in my opinion most professional critics are complete morons, who have no clue what it takes for a movie to be truly entertaining or inspiring.

I chose to watch this movie because I am a fan of Kunnal Nayyar from his work on The Bug Bang Theory. To be honest I was expecting to be disappointed in the movie, as so many actors who move on from hit TV shows can never seem to outgrow the characters which made them famous. That is not the case with Kunnal's performance in this movie. He created a very compelling and realistic character in his portrayal of the bookstore owner.

I am not a fan of David Arquette, Christina Hendricks, nor Lucy Hale, but they all did amazing work in this movie, portraying characters which I came to care about, which is not a normal reaction for me to any movie characters. Actually, this is the first time I have ever liked a character played by David Arquette. I believe it is the best work he has ever done. Hendricks on the other hand has played a couple characters which I have thoroughly enjoyed, and this was also one of her strongest yet. Lucy Hale, although I have always considered her a decent actress, has never stood out for me. Hale's performance here was, like her costars, very strong and compelling on a real level. I don't know the names of all the actors who portrayed Maya, but each one did a fantastic job of bringing Maya to life at each age. I found these characters so much more real than any I have ever seen in any Oscar winning movie.

Again, I'm not a professional. Like you, I'm just some poor slob who pays his hard earned money to be entertained, and gets angry when I am scammed out of my money by professionals. I can only offer my opinions as to whether or not I find a movie entertaining on a personal level. So, when I see professionals giving in depth opinions based on production quality, character development, direction, set design, blah, blah, blah, I realize they don't care at all about real entertainment. They gauge movies purely on how much they can show off their knowledge of the industry (or what knowledge they believe themselves to have), despite the fact they likely couldn't produce anything worth watching, even if given unlimited budgets and a decade to make something which is even simply tolerable.

In my life I have watched literally thousands of movies, including many of which tried to portray real life. Very few have succeeded in that endeavor. These types of movies generally bore the audience to death before the first 20 minutes have passed. This movie, however, not only succeeds, it could possibly be the best I have ever seen in making you feel it's a true story, without the slow, painstaking attempts at making it feel humdrum.

Some complain the movie jumps around too much, and doesn't dramatize enough using tortured formulaic prose, which attempt to force the viewer into unearned emotional states of caring or despair for the characters. There are no such devices used here, everything is real and earned.

If you are a person who can appreciate a movie which doesn't attempt to manipulate your emotions through overly dramatic monologues and musical scoring, then you should appreciate this gem.
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