License to Kill (1984 TV Movie)
Don't Be Upset. Don't Be Duped.
3 June 2023
My family bought me 'License to Kill' many years ago for Christmas. One look at the box cover and I knew it was going to be a title made early in Denzel Washington's career. A common cheapo tactic of movies you find in bargain bins which I don't think my family knew. It's a standard "perils of alcohol" made for TV movie and Denzel plays the small part of the prosecutor in the case.

I think we all know it's a crime. Irresponsible to operate a vehicle while intoxicated, but people still do it regardless. Parents lose a daughter in this tale and there's no grey area. No unavoidable tragedy. The offender is a lush. Drunk behind the wheel in the early afternoon and portrayed as semi-wealthy and a snob.

James Farentino is effective as the father on the verge of obsession seeking justice as is Don Murray good as the drunk who doesn't think he did anything wrong. Denzel is fine, but Donald Moffat (The Thing, Clear & Present Danger) is particularly effective as the defense attorney who serves his client well but the kind you love to hate.

It's not unmanageable to watch, but it strictly goes thru the numbers. If you didn't know what you were getting into before well you do now. Don't tune in for a early role for the future star alone.
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