Difficult to Describe How Bad This Film Is
8 June 2023
First of all, there is the basic premise: that there are two types of soldiers.

One type of soldier is always competent and effective. The other type is not only always bumbling and incompetent, but arrogant, nasty and mean-spirited to boot.

Then there is the glaring incorrect portrayals of military protocol and tactics.

In this film, officers routinely salute non-coms and hold the salute until the non-coms return it, not the other way round which is reality.

It depicts an Army without coordination of infantry, armor and artillery. In one scene, artillery and forward armor are both firing on the same position simultaneously while forward motorized infantry are engaging that target in close quarters battle. Insane.

And then there is the decision to have German characters speaking English with German accents. Reminded me of Inspector Clouseau in the Pink Panther series.

The acting is not terrible but the dialog is amateurish.

It is just an all around bad movie.
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