Community: Football, Feminism and You (2009)
Season 1, Episode 6
The most underrated community episode and one of my favorites
10 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I'm honestly shocked to see this episode ranked so low among the rest of the series. I don't think there's a single Community episode that makes me laugh as much as this one does.

The Shirley-Britta plot is great. It's simple, funny, and I had a nice belly laugh when Britta went to hug Shirley instead of Annie after comforting Annie in the bathroom. It's nothing special, but it's fun and entertaining and I can't ask for much more

Dean Pelton and Pierce trying to create the human person mascot is one of my favorite plots in the whole show. Seeing them somehow CONSTANTLY make the mascot more and more uncanny and ridiculous just made me laugh harder and harder each time, and the final reveal of what the mascot looks like, some guy dressed in a white skin-tight full-body suit with massive facial deformities, is probably the hardest I laughed in the series. Classic Community stuff.

And the main plot of the episode with Jeff trying to get Troy to play football is also fantastic, providing us with several iconic series moments (the "it's in your blood" speech from Jeff, Troy's hilarious thinly-veiled conservative propaganda disguised as stadium chants, etc).

I really think this is Community at its best. All the jokes land, all the characters play an important role in the episode (except Abed, my favorite character who is unfortunately absent until the ending gag), and all of the plots held my attention. I'm not sure what I see in this episode that others don't, but it remains one of my favorites and, to me at least, it's probably the funniest episode of the show.
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