Black Mirror: Joan Is Awful (2023)
Season 6, Episode 1
S06E1: Great concept, horrible execution
15 June 2023
The thing that makes black mirror so impactful is that it takes a very serious, insanely well acted, no holds bar look at our society and technology to make us think about the consequences and possible outcomes, esp the more dystopian and dark side of our technology and how we deal with that technology.

This episode has a great concept to explore, but the way it does that is with the same happy glee as you'd see in a show like "the good place". I don't know who in their right mind thought that black mirror needed a light hearted, funny tone. Even the music is atrocious, with the type of "tension" and "funny moment" music you'd hear on a children's television show on Disney channel or something.

This episode made me think of that super weird tween adventure netflix mirror episode with Miley Cyrus, the one that they must have stolen from some alternate universe where black mirror is actually made by nickelodeon. They aren't even doing an adult take on the light hearted thing. They are going full kiddy show, making silly faces, over acting, being over the top and in multiple instances you can literally see them break character during more serious scenes. It's WILD.

There is also a major plothole at the end. But yeah the acting and the direction they've taken for this episode are absolutely atrocious. Other than that the idea, the concept is actually a great one to explore. Also strange that they focused on quantum computing (completely misunderstanding it) over AI / AGI, machine and deep learning. But I imagine they will do so in other episodes and maybe they didn't want the episodes to be too samey.

I'm genuinely afraid to watch the rest of the season. I hope this is a one off just like last season, although I genuinely do not get the point of this. And it's mind blowing that the episode has an 8! No wonder TV has turned to sh with such low standards for even the best shows. Reminds me of people who kept insisting GoT was great after s5, 6, and 7.

P.s. On an unrelated note, Netflix finally decided to bother me about their new "screw the family" policy, blocking me from my own account. I had to pretend to be traveling. I will 100% be canceling my expensive (almost 20 euro) netflix plan.
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