The Brokenwood Mysteries: Shot of Love (2023)
Season 9, Episode 5
Enjoying The Season, But This Episode is Poor and Boring
26 June 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This whole season we've had this Mike and Beth situation brewing, and honestly, Beth never really did anything to endear herself to me.

It all comes to a head here, as the two need to go to Mike's batty ex wife's place to get the divorce papers signed.

The ex-wife has a scheme, you see, to get Beth alone and unload on her all the "terrible things" that Mike did to her.

Which mostly consist of Mike doing the bog standard "working too much" thing that all TV shows do when they need some drama in a cop's family life. Apparently, Mike didn't turn up to the funeral of the woman's mother and she's held a grudge all these years, like the vindictive cow that she is.

And she is a vindictive cow. An awful woman that has cooked up this scheme to ruin Mike's new love life cause she's such an awful person.

Honestly though, since Beth is so willing to believe her story, we don't really want her around anyway. Cause she's so underdeveloped and boring that Mike is better off alone.

The mystery here isn't much of a mystery either. You can guess it as soon as the little moron kids show up and keep trying to cover their tracks like the selfish little sods that they are.

Also, I've noticed that they tend to make Kristen quite dense when they need her to be in this season, so sue misses things. Her carelessness leads to her missing vital clues more than once. Something her character wouldn't do, but they need to prolong the "mystery", even though the audience has already guessed the solution by this point - mostly cause we're shown what Kristen misses.

Honestly, the overwhelming lesson this episode teaches us is that Mike should either date Gina or not date anyone at all. Cause good lord both Beth and the ex are awful. Nails-on-a-chalkboard awful.

Let's hope we never see either of them again, hey?
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