The Streetcar Racers
1 July 2023
While in the corridor of the high school, the teenager Trevor Beck is challenged to fight, but collapses and dies instead. Dr. Robbins and Langston perform the autopsy and when the cranium is opened, his brain swells up because of a cerebral edema. His mother tells to Brass that Trevor was a quiet teenager that did not fight and spent his leisure time with his car and more recently also with his girlfriend, Cindy Warner. Soon the LVPD finds that Cindy is missing and her best friend, Renata Clarke, does not know her whereabouts. Their further investigation shows that both were involved in streetcar racing.

"Internal Combustion" is an attractive episode of "CSI" related to the streetcar racing. The story begins with an accidental death and ends with the tragic fate of a teenager. The illegal accident that caused her death, although without intention, pays a high price in accordance with the law. My vote is eight.

Title (Brazil): "Internal Combustion"
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