I Zoned Out After an Hour
27 July 2023
Seen a lotta people call this an anti-rom com, but it isn't really. It hits all the same beats as the standard rom com.

People meet and hate each other. People bicker and hate each other more. Then find common ground. Love blossoms.

Only difference is that these two people, played by Reeves and Ryder, aren't your typical Hollywood nice couple.

I think this was an excuse for the two leads to have a bit of fun acting alongside each other in a pretty place (they're apparently great friends), and it is something different for them both.

The story is two introverted people who whine and complain about everyone and everything find common ground in their general annoyance at humanity.

This is all about the conversation, which is basically start to finish, from when the leads meet, and some of it is really funny. Some of it is chuckle worthy. And some other stuff is just there.

The constant dialogue, which doesn't reveal much about the people saying it after about an hour, sounded a bit droning to me after a while. Both the leads are great, here playing people that I probably wouldn't want to spend much time around, but their charm comes through in every scene. I also feel like they're both having loads of fun.

But the script isn't very clever. Or isn't as clever as it thinks it is. It doesn't reveal anything about life or its meaning, it's just two people whinging, then musing a bit, then whinging some more.

The characters don't have much depth, either. Reeves is the cynic. Ryder slightly more hopeful, yet hung up on her ex from years ago (whose wedding she's attending). No hidden depths are revealed, the two don't surprise you or grow in any way. They start as two lines of text and end as that, and if anyone else was playing them, they'd have literally nothing interesting about them whatsoever.

It isn't awful. And the sex scene is so awkward that it is funny and cringe-worthy at the same time, so it is worth watching. Some of the jokes land.

At its heart, however, this is a film that is a 100% cliche rom-com with two main characters who are a little bit different from the usual, and a script that never allows for any quiet moments.

Watch if you like the leads, otherwise, meh is all I got. Actually, I like the leads and meh is still all I got.

So, hey ho, I guess...
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