A Musical Comedy with Lots of Music but Very Little Comedy
4 August 2023
This film begins in the backwoods of Tennessee with a hillbilly by the name of "Woody Wetherby" (Ferlin Husky) receiving word that his uncle in Las Vegas has passed away and has bequeathed him full ownership of a local casino. Considering that Woody aspires to make it big as a country-western singer, he quickly decides to drive to Las Vegas in his beat-up pickup truck to lay claim to it. Also riding with him is his friend "Jeepers" (Don Bowman) who considers himself to be Woody's manager. What neither of them realize is that the casino has fallen upon hard times and that some debts have accumulated rather quickly--and one of these debts belongs to a gangster who wants to be repaid immediately. Now, rather than reveal any more, I will just say that this film was basically an early version of the musical-comedy show "Hee Haw" which appeared on American television screens about 3 or 4 years later. The problem with this particular film, however, is that the comedy was almost negligible compared to the musical numbers--which crowded everything else out. Throw in an extremely thin plot and some rather weak acting, and the end result wasn't something that was all that entertaining. At least, I didn't think so. As a matter of fact, about the only thing that caught my eye was the performance of Mamie Van Doren (as "Bootsy Malone") who, along with Jayne Mansfield ("Tawny") and Arlene Charles ("Julie May"), at least added some nice scenery to what turned out to be an otherwise drab picture.
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