Beautiful, Poignant, Sweet
8 August 2023
This film will leave a lasting impression on you. It has for so many.

The story is told in three small vignettes, with two lovelorn cops, one smuggling lady in a blonde wig, and a woman who loves one song and works in a kebab shop.

To say anymore would be spoiling. Because to watch this movie is to experience something lovely. It's not overly flashy or huge or made to compete with big Hollywood productions. It's a small film, with a small scope, and yet is more touching and human that all the CGI in Hollywood could ever hope to try and recreate.

What's most impressive is how the script manages to make all the characters so deep, and so different. By the end of the film, you'll know them all, and love them as much as they seem to love each other.

The acting is top notch across the board, and if you as a westerner didn't know Tony Leung before this, well here's a wonderful introduction.

The man is handsome, for sure, but his undeniable humanity, a trait that seems to leap from the screen and grab you by the soul, is what will enthrall you. His acting is neither flashy. There are no grand gestures or screaming in the rain.

Yet, he still manages to convey every emotion with the subtlest of movements. With the smallest of expressions.

Faye Wong is equally good. Her obvious anxiousness and lack of confidence when dealing with a man she obviously cares for is so evident in the small details, like her touching her nose when he expresses interest.

And the others are great, too.

But this is a film that needs to be watched more than once, so that you can feel all it is trying to give to you.

All I can say is that at the end of the film, you'll feel good inside. You'll be touched.

And maybe a little sad that you can't live with any of these wonderful people.
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