God Forbid (2022)
EVERYONE MUST WATCH THIS, this explains a lot about power and how it is used .
12 August 2023
This documentary should be on everyone's must see list, it is well done, perfectly paced and explains a lot about the state of the United States and right wing politics in the bible belt.

The kid who this story is about is the most honest, down to earth, well spoken and its very hard not to like him after you hear him explain why he did such and such. You feel for him because he really did get used and abused by people that had a very easy choice to get out of it for 1/10000th of the price. All he asked was that they kept their word, and if they did just that this film does not get made.

Yet even when the big billionairs promise and shake your hand on something, they will still weasel out of it even over a minute amount that in the end ends up costing them many multiples if they just did the right thing and kept the bargain they made.

That is where the attraction of this movie comes, you see that people that are this full of themselves, like the Trumps and Falwells, are so narcissistic that they think they can control everything and even when there is a simple straight exit out for them, they think that they are better than everyone else and they can do as they wish without it ever coming back to hurt them. They were wrong.

I command the courage of the kid for speaking out, its obvious that the egotism of this family made that choice for him... and folks like me and everyone who gets to watch this documentary are now many times wiser to the real rot that lies in the hearts and halls of power of the people that swear on the bible, but never feel that the commandments do not apply to them, AS if somehow they are above it all.
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