The Witcher (2019– )
I wanted to like it
13 August 2023
So, first thing's first, I haven't read any of the books or short stories that this series is based on and only played a small bit of the first Witcher game. I came into it almost completely fresh and with no real expectations beyond hoping that Henry Cavill continued to stay easy on the eyes.

Sadly for me, it did take a few episodes for the penny to drop during the first season that the story wasn't being told in a linear fashion. I mostly enjoyed the stories being told and the cast seemed to be doing a decent job of playing their parts as written. Some bits were better than others - I honestly don't understand why Geralt and Yennefer are a thing - but that's how things often go with condensing the written word for limited time. A re-viewing was more enjoyable because I wasn't such a dum-dum about the time jumping.

Season two started to slide in my opinion. Even without knowing that the story was starting to stray from the source I was just... a bit bored. I found it a little harder to care about what was happening to the main characters, preferring what was going on with the side stories. But I got through it and decided to continue on to season three, even with the knowledge that Henry was calling it quits after that.

Season three? Welp, maybe I'll try it again, but I honestly struggled so bad paying attention that I was more than slightly shocked by one particular turn of events involving a certain bard. But I was bored as hell and almost totally stopped caring about what happened. I doubt I'll continue to season four, but who knows? Maybe I'll finally catch COVID after it drops and be bored enough that John Wick won't beg to be watched for the hundredth time.
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