It's Hard Not To Compare This Film With Run Rabbit Run.
14 August 2023
If you're looking to fashion a double feature, you could definitely pair this film with Run Rabbit Run.

Though, this film is neither as creepy, or well done as that film is.

One thing is for sure...they definitely share some thematic similarities.

With the wife taking on the characteristics of her husband's dead mother here; where the daughter takes on characteristics of her dead sister there.

And both focusing on the psychological toll it takes on the main characters- when they are forced to face a cognitive dissonance breakdown, when their understanding of the world falls apart.

The difference here being that we are looking at the effect it has on both parties, here.

With the mystery at the center of this film being much more confounding.

As two broken people use a shared traumatic experience to heal their underlying mental wounds.

While not a bad film, it doesn't quite live up to the mastery of Run Rabbit Run.

Which you can't help but compare it to (if you've recently watched both, like I have).

To be fair though, this one does have an air of darkly comedic undertones to it.

Despite it's sincerity.

Whereas Run Rabbit Run is a more pure psychological thriller.

Both films are great though!

So make a double feature out of it.

5.5 out of 10.
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