Immature and Amateurish
14 August 2023
What we have here is an amateurish, purile, biased, incompetent, bordering on parody with a bad voice-over and interspersed with horrid "sketches" video posing as an in-depth analysis of an actual professional film by a bunch of wannabe filmmakers who could never write, direct or act in anything remotely praiseworthy.

The video is full of lies, be it clips taken out of context and edited to suit the narrative, interviews with their best friends acting as "random fans" to support the false narrative, and genuine ineptitude to properly analyse films that are beyond their artistic means. The critiques are pure drivel from a bunch of cinematically illiterate YouTuber reviewers, and NOT real film critics.

The coward "acting" in the role of "Mr. Plinkett" is also a Star Trek fanboy and not a Star Wars fan, so keep that in mind. And the whole premise of these Prequel-bashing videos are totally invalidated by watching the behind-the-scenes featurettes, not to mention the blatant praise given to the cashgrab, artistically bankrupt, retro reboots that makes up the Sequel Trilogy that "Mr. Plinkett" loves.
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