Whitechapel: Episode #3.6 (2012)
Season 3, Episode 6
Setting up season 4
21 August 2023
Warning: Spoilers
Warning: some spoilers for the entire series.

I've watched this series before and was not very happy with the direction season 4 goes in. I didn't really like how the first three seasons seemed set in our own mundane universe, then suddenly it seemed to change completely in the final season and become a universe where the supernatural is real. Well, this time I'm rewatching and I skipped season 2 with the Krays, as the tone and visuals are so different. It think the choice to center on the 1960s aesthetic and on the Krays was a mistake, although I loved watching the continuing evolution of the main characters and their relationships. Season 3 stays on track with season 1 in referencing the Victorian era and more primal fears of the dark and bogeymen. It also increased the horror tropes. This time rewatching, I can see how these last 2 episodes of season 3 were laying groundwork for season 4. There's a great deal of foreshadowing. The producers seem to have decided what comes next.

In light of what is to come, I'm especially left questioning some of Morgan's actions. On my earlier viewing, I had thought that even though some characters are nervous about ghosts and evil creatures, the viewer never is led to believe they are real. This time, I especially wonder about the scene where Mansell and Kent were in Mantus' house, freaking out about ghosts, and certain things happened such as pictures falling off the wall by themselves. Perhaps the ghosts were real all along. Perhaps Mansell was not just carried away with fear. Perhaps the house did have an effect on Mantus. More importantly, what exactly was up with Morgan's last conversation with Kent? Who exactly was Morgan?

You can accept her for exactly as she seemed. Or you can see her as part of the plot from season 4. Perhaps Kent's assessment of her was spot on. For one, there is an overemphasis on her repeated comments that "someone has to die". Second, it's implied after all that if she had testified at the inquest differently, Luke would not have been triggered to go on his spree. Maybe it was her intent to cause mayhem. And when Luke breaks in while she was showering, exactly how did she know he was coming? Perhaps Kent was right about the second attack being necessary so she could be kept in place at the station. They all were just accepting her story of events - and so does the viewer. Her connection to Chandler, then her death, may have been necessary to cause him to spin even more out of control than if he had never met her. Most especially, what was with her menacing look and comment to Kent at the end? If it wasn't for that exchange, which otherwise makes little sense, everything else has a mundane explanation. Was she part of the cult? It sounds crazy to speculate on until you find out what is coming.

I still don't think I'll change my review of the very last episode of season 4, which is very negative. But I do see how the story doesn't come out of nowhere. The groundwork was already being laid for a supernatural explanation.
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