Sweetness of the daily
29 August 2023
This is almost a reality TV piece. A bored in their routine Parisian couple decides to go off to Sicily for four days leaving behind their child with their Grandparents. The storyline is pedestrian like watching paint dry turned into comedy

They bicker About unimportant matters but never really with any venom in fact what they find out is that they really get on well together the scenery as expected is stunning especially Stromboli when they get to it on their mopeds.

Essentially this is a comedy semi mocking couples having reached middle age and with very little fire left in their relationship

Yet they clearly care much for each other and it is shown through many Sweet Little things they do or say to each other. So if you had to tag it with a genre it would be: Middle-aged banalism or Our couple is drying like paint on a wall

The two protagonists here are clearly comedians and this is the driest form of humour you can watch not bad at all and certainly very original

So the hashtag here will be #Dry.
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