With just these first 2 episodes, you arleady know you're in for a wild ride.
1 September 2023
Warning: Spoilers
After the amazing original series of Adventure Time, the specials and the amazing miniseries named Distant Lands, we have now finally received Fionna and Cake, a series that i have been thankfully able to watch by knowing the best piracy sites for these MAX series, ( i'm not american, i'm italian, so the service is not my country yet ) and after seeing the first two episodes, i can say that this is the best thing the studio has made with this universe.

While i was not around when the original started, (since i was still a smol baby that was born in 2008. I started to become a fan of it around the time i was 12 years old. Then saw the trailer for the miniseries Distant Lands, watched that and boom, i became a fan. When i finished Distant Lands i was so happy at what they had accomplished and hoped that it was not the last time i would enter in this world. And now, in my age of a kid who is now fifteen years old, who is now in love with TV and has been a part of some amazing shows, movies and even web series on YouTube, i am so glad to be a part of this amazing new entry of the Adventure Time universe.

Ever since it's announcement, i was super hyped for what i was about to get into, but with the merger at Discovery and HBO MAX, i was afraid, ( like everyone else ), on whether or not the series would see the light of day but thankfully, it did and boy am i glad it did, as this has got to be the rarest ocassion of a TV series being able to making me hooked right away and wanting for more immediately after finishing the first few episodes, ( next to Final Space, Calls and Daredevil ).

Right from the first episode i was immediately hooked and in love with the animation style, the feel of being back in this world once again was amazing and the tongue and cheek humor, the dialogue, the action and the plot, made me arleady know that this was gonna be an experience that i would not miss in my life and would watch with joy whenever the next episode came up.

The plot of this series has that very Bee and Puppycat feel, as we see Fionna in her rusty and awful appartment getting ready to do her next boring and awful job as a taxi tourist, with an annoying little person that is meant to be the boss of the operation, this touches very well all of that charambe, except Bee doesn't hate her job but she can't keep it due to her not being good at it and lives in poverty with a massive rent to pay, similar to how this series tackles the beginning with Fionna and her sadly ill cat. The way each character you see speaks, feels depressed and knows that what they're doing won't work in the long run, is something that i was not expecting. ( I mean, the intro of the first episode has a song about suicide. Like... JEEZ, not even Succession reaches this level of darkness ). After it ended, i knew i wanted more and i got more in the best way possible.

When i began episode 2 i was not expecting that the same level of depth would be tackled even better with the story of Simon, who has now escaped from his dark past as Ice King and has now turned into a human , however, he begins to regret it after fans of the book series Fionna and Cake ask him about it and when a fan wants Simon to sign the book, he throws it in the trash bin and starts panicking and rambling about his problems in a bar.

See, this feeling of suicide and depression is something you don't see many times in a show like this, you see it in shows or movies like The Blind Side, Wonder or Gomorrah, but not in Adventure Time. And yet, you see it and you see it in the best way possible. I myself had some of the exact problems in my life when i was younger, with me thinking that i wasn't good enough at something that i was gonna be depressed my whole life and that society would not be a good place for me, since i struggled trying to find friends and had problems with my parents that always fought for their problems and with me as well for not doing well at school. This sense of depression was something that i could feel and had seen many times at school or even in some of the most important YouTube videos that i would ever watch and the realization that Adventure Time would start tackling the topic of depression in the way that it does was something surprising but also wonderful. By the way. The way Finn changed over the course of the show is amazing and it really reminds so much of Hercules, his strong powers, how he feels invincible with every monster and his strong muscles and still active energy of emotions, is something that i loved so much.

All in all, Adventure Time Fionna and Cake is an experience that any fan of Adventure Time should watch. Full of the best acting yet, amazing animation, a storyline that will hook you from the start and amazing character design, makes it one of the very rare TV shows that give me such anxiety, sadness, emotion for the characters, laughter, shock and happines all at once. Adventure Time really shows how it has gone from a fun and quirky sitting down on the couch show to a roller coaster of emotions! If these two episodes are this good, i cannot wait for what they have in store next.
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