Review of Photographe

Photographe (1895)
The Ever Present Conflict Between Photographer and Subject
11 September 2023
Photographe (1895), or the Photographer (1895), is another Lumière film, produced in 1895, that probably wasn't released to paying audiences until early 1896. It probably kept the 1895 tag, because it was shown to a test audience that year. This also is another case, when the Lumiere brothers, made and distributed different versions of their films, in an attempt at improving upon them. There are, at least, two versions of Photographe (1895), that exist today and are available, in the 21st century, on YouTube.

Photographe (1895), is an interesting narrative drama. It is a recording of someone taking a picture of someone else. It's a recording by a new medium, that chronicles the use of an important invention, that aided in the invention of that new medium, known as the movies. There's tension and conflict in the shot, with the instrument of the story, being destroyed or broken. A photographer is trying to take a picture of an uncooperative man. At least one Lumiere brother, is one of the actors, in each version of Photographe (1895), This is pure, required viewing for Lumiere fans. It is gold for silent film fans.

9.1 (A- MyGrade) = 9 IMDB.
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