Review of BS High

BS High (2023)
I don't know why everyone is hating on this
15 September 2023
Apparently only ESPN can make good documentaries according to some of you. I don't think they glorify Roy Johnson but let him reveal his true character. He's a fast talker, he's got tons of charisma, and he's full of BS. It's all about him! Apparently some people missed the stories of the kids affected by this man. The kids crying, the lives ruined. The mothers dealing with the aftermath. They paint a pretty good picture of what a horrible person Roy Johnson is. And they even say "hey, this could have happened anywhere he just happened to be the right guy at the right time."

The story telling is fantastic. The production is fantastic. The human element of everyone even Roy is perfectly done. If you want a great story horribly produced documentary, watch "The Perfect Bid: The Contestant Who Knew Too Much" and learn how to not edit a film.

This is a must watch in my opinion. Just like the Woodstock 99 documentaries, you're going to leave in a bad mood but it's because you should. I guess I shouldn't be surprised people on the internet hate something for stupid reasons but oh well.
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