Heart rendering - just short of perfection
25 September 2023
This is a movie about a grumpy old man who meets some neighbours.

We follow Otto as he carries out his routine, bossing the neighbours about and chastising them for trivial errors.

Despite adhering to his mundane routine we get some indications that today is a very special day for Otto.

As the day unfolds we get some flashbacks of how Otto arrived to where he is now.

The story was quite personal to me as I almost lost my wife to cancer - so I started silently crying at about the eleven minute mark and didn't really stop.

This is not laugh out loud funny and can be a bit sombre in paces - but has an overall poignant and hear warming feel to it - I never found it depressing.

The romance elements are absolutely beautifully done - strumming at every heart-string

The casting, acting and production are all great and for most of the film Otto's situation is allowed to seep into the viewers consciousness.

This falls just short of being perfect.

As the film rolls on it builds up too much steam and has to slam down track to keep ahead of itself.

Otto's revelation and the Trans character are especially badly fumbled.

The Trans character is a good addition (twenty years ago he would have been gay) but there is no room to get to know them.

They literally ride up and say "Hey I'm trans. People are mean to me, can we be friends?"

Suddenly Otto, who until now who has been secretive and uncommunicative, blurts out his issues like he is reading it from a therapists handbook.

Then everything is suddenly tied up with a perfect little bow.

This doesn't ruin the film but it makes the finale feel a bit artificial and cheap like a processed-cheese slice in your Wagyu burger.

Overall a great watch that had me smiling and sobbing into my sleeve all the way.
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