Full Circle (I) (2023)
Real, vulnerable and impactful.
26 September 2023
"Full Circle" is more than just a film-it's an emotional experience that forces you to confront your own beliefs about limitations and the capacity for human resilience. Following Trevor Kennison, who suffered a life-changing spinal cord injury, the film takes us on an extraordinary journey that defies all odds.

The structure of "Full Circle" itself reflects the concept of post-traumatic growth, showing us Kennison before and after the fateful accident at Vail Pass. It's one thing to read about someone's struggles, but seeing the raw emotions play out on screen, interspersed with interviews and archival footage, brings a whole new level of engagement. You're not just watching Kennison's life; for those 90 minutes, you're living it with him.

What got me was his return to the same snowy slopes that changed his life. And when he attempted the world's first double backflip on a sit ski, my heart was in my throat. Whether he succeeded or failed almost felt secondary-this was a man reclaiming his narrative, showing the world that an injury is not the end but a new beginning.

The film doesn't shy away from the gritty realities either. The rehab, the moments of despair, and the sheer physical challenges are all laid bare, making his journey-and every small victory-feel all the more triumphant.

The cinematography is stunning, capturing both the beauty and the treacherous allure of the mountains that play such a pivotal role in Kennison's life. But it's the narrative, so skillfully teased out, that will stick with you.

"Full Circle" is a film that transcends its subject matter. It isn't just for people who love extreme sports, nor is it only for those who have faced life-altering injuries. It's a film for anyone who has ever questioned what they're capable of, offering not just answers but a whole new set of questions about what it means to truly live.

So, if you're in the mood for a documentary that will challenge your perceptions and leave you a little bit changed, make sure "Full Circle" is on your watch list. It's more than just a movie; it's a lesson in the resilience of the human spirit.
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