Way to go Guy Ritchie
1 October 2023
This was a good movie! We were prepared to be let down like we were with Khandahar (even tho who doesn't love Gerard Butler). But Covenant was really good, the character build up you got to see from. Both sides but not at the same time so that was special

It was exciting and tense and emotional but mostly just really efficient and event filled. The only thing that bugged a little for me, was Jake gyllenhall, I like Jake and I liked his character John Kinley BUT he was very wooden in his voice and a little too stoic, he did great in all of the action scenes though. Dar Salim (Ahmed) was wonderful.

All in all a good sand box movie (which aren't usually my favorites) we'd definitely watch it again. The best part was - it just was what it was and told a story as it was without having to push or add anything that wasn't there or needed to be, if you know what I mean. So yay, obviously not Disney or Netflix or Prime Video writing!!!
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