Review of Love Island

The Morning Show: Love Island (2023)
Season 3, Episode 5
A "fast forward" button filler episode
7 October 2023
There were so many things wrong with this episode it is hard to know where to start. From a personal POV it was so boring I wanted to skip forward a few minutes repeatedly. So here is the review in question form.

Did this flashback give viewers a big reveal about any characters motivation or relationship? Nope. Nothing we did not know already.

Did this flashback episode provide new information a out any current plot point? Not really. Although the potential tech-bro deal origin is explained. That could have been done with the sentence "We had a beach house nearby during lock down"

Did this move any story forward? Nope again. As other reviewers have mentioned, this killed momentum.

Did it show the effects of the Covid lock down effectively? Hell no! A bit about Bradley's family but no mention of all the worries we all had at the time. Job, income, care homes. It was a really 2D Wikipedia entry episode.

Was there a missed opportunity? Hell yes! The anti-vax movement that seemed supported by some right wing media. That would have made a great story about a newsroom taking the science based view.

What a waste.
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