A short film that could've been a long film.
18 October 2023
A very simple but also very sweet short documentary by Scorsese about the neighborhood he grew up in, meeting various people he knew when he was younger while taking his youngest daughter around with him (20 years later, he shows up in various TikToks she makes, so there's something adorable about seeing them together here, too).

If anything, this definitely could have been longer than seven minutes. The most interesting parts were when Scorsese explained how certain childhood memories and stories from his parents made their way into films of his, further demonstrating how personal and heartfelt much of Scorsese's filmography can be.

He also tied stories about the neighborhood to the then-still-in-production Gangs of New York without shilling the film, and then he also managed to be patriotic without overdoing it or becoming jingoistic/going too far. He's a master - I just wish this had been even longer or an extended cut had been released, because this would've sustained easily 30+ minutes I reckon.
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