Informed reviewers MUST be totally familiar with . . .
22 October 2023
. . . BOTH Jack and the Beanstalk (1902) AND Fractured Fairy Tales: Jack & the Beanstalk (1959) in order to provide meaningful insights about either picture. Obviously, the Fractured crew was intimately well-versed about the earlier Edison\Porter flick, as they make on-screen references to how megalomaniac Old Tom Edison stole the Goose Laying Golden Eggs and the Singing Harp from Jack's late father, as well as filching a bulging sack of gold coins from the beleaguered Beanstalk clan. Such Edison victims were Legion, as the Ogre of Men-Low Park swiped everything in his sight. Fracture pictures Old Tom as an elderly senile doddering colossus, which seems particularly apt.
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