Why all the screaming and overly animated behaviours?
23 October 2023
I am a massive fan of musical theatre and was looking forward to this, however why on earth did the Mama-mia production crew let ITV get their hands on this.

I thought it would be like the old Graham Norton one where Jessie Buckley and Samantha what's her name were discovered.

These kids definitely have talent but all the X Factor type behaviours are so irritating. I was waiting for the photos of some of their dead nans to be wheeled out.

Zoe Ball is also beyond annoying and the constant shots of the judges expressions is yet another reason not to watch this. How can we enjoy the contestants' performances when the camera work and direction is so bad.

I despair of this country now, I really do.

According to TV producers on every channel the average viewer has the brain capacity of an amoeba, I'm insulted that they think I would be entertained by this rubbish.

One episode was enough for me.
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