La Femme Nikita (1997–2001)
Poorly written sexual power fantasy of male actor.
26 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
This show is one whole bait-and-switch. It should have been called "L'Homme Micheal". The titular character has very little to zero agency and on the rare occasion when it appears she has some, Micheal appears and immediately takes it away from her.

Micheal has zero charisma and personality. He never speaks in more than a creepy nasal whisper. He comes across as a manipulative stalker of beautiful women. Clearly Mr Dupois has a power fantasy involving himself having a harem of beautiful women who are his and his alone. Seriously, his treatment of women (and Nikita especially) is loathsome, immoral and despicable to the point that it comes across as non-consensual intimate contact and/or rape. Despite being a sex-pest, he never faces any consequences for his vile actions.

He has plot armour a mile thick. At one point he is clearly shot through the left lung by a high-caliber rifle. This would have definitely caused the complete obliteration of the organ, extreme trauma/shock, massive blood loss and almost certain death. But a few seconds later he is absolutely fine. He carries on as if nothing ever happened. This massive injury has magically vanished. Absolute garbage.

He rarely (if ever) obeys his superiors, most often doing the exact opposite. He gets away with this time and time again. He orders his colleagues to also break the rules (at risk of their own death), and everyone does as he says without argument. On the rare occasion when someone refuses, he threatens to kill them. This is murder of an innocent, plain and simple. Bear in mind these are his work colleagues/"friends". He treats them as he does the females of his harem - as a slave whose only reason for existence is to do as he orders. He is a throughly unpleasant and evil man, yet we are somehow expected to root for him. I am ashamed to share a gender with a character so despicable.

Definitely give this one a miss. Not worth your time.
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