His Fatal Fixation (2020 TV Movie)
Flawless film about fixation
29 October 2023
Warning: Spoilers
If films about fixated stalkers floats your boat then this cinematic class act will be right up your river. Without giving too much of the plot away, an attractive young lady, played with great aplomb by the very talented Sarah Fisher, finds herself stalked by a deranged ex boyfriend. He turns up at her flat and stabs her new boyfriend to death with a knife and slashes her face. Thankfully, Lily (Ms Fisher), gives the brute a hefty whack over the head with a bottle of wine and he ends up crashing through a plate glass window to the floor below. At this point, I have to point out that the seedy stalker is not your typical Hollywood hunk and one can only wonder why the lovely Lily went out with the loathsome brute in the first place. Anyway, to cut a long story short, she moves away, changes her name to Stella, has her scar fixed, falls in love with her doctor who she now works for and strange murderous mayhem ensues. One of her patients whose head is swathed in bandages for several weeks shockingly turns out to be the hideous stalker come back from the dead! At this point, Stella understandably gives him a taste of his own medicine and stabs him but he manages to run off into the night... Well, day actually.... I won't tell you the rest for fear of spoiling what is a thoroughly enjoyable cinematic masterpiece.. What I will say is that all the actors are at the top of their game but Ms Fisher gives an outstanding performance as Lily/Stella.

The guy who plays the psychopathic stalker also deserves great credit and one can only hope that he gets to play similar roles in the future.

Ultimately, this hugely satisfying cinematic smorgasbord should be seen as a timely warning for all young attractive ladies to beware loathsome brutes whose heads are swathed in bandages for lengthy periods of time.

Hopefully, a sequel is the offing and an apt title for said classic would be... His Fatal Fixation Part 2 Highly recommended!
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