Gossipy and Often Heavily Censored
30 October 2023
As the title says, the private lives of monarchs, and not much else. Not really monarchs. These are almost all English kings and queens, along with a princess, Margaret, who does not matter the slightest bit except to tabloid readers.

So you get a lot about their fashion, food, sex lives and romances. There's no mention of Napoleon's censorship and dictatorship, his mass murder of Haitians and bringing back slavery. No mention of English manmade famines killing millions of Irish and tens of millions of Indians under Victoria, or genocide in Australia.

The big exception is Peter of Russia. Suddenly the program goes into explicit detail of every execution and torture.

Probably most inexcusable and most widely known to most viewers already is Edward VII being an outright anti Semite and Nazi sympathizer, and so was Wallis Simpson. His gibing a salute to Hitler, passing along intel to Germany, and even being proposed as ruler if UK had fallen are well known. Instead the program whines that Wallis was never given a title.

Still worth seeing, even if you fast forward pass silliness like looking at queens underwear.
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