Why a Series?
7 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
That was the biggest question I had after spending the five / six some odd hours investing in the show, based off of the 7.2 rating. I held out hard for that rating but now I'm simply starting to not pay that close of mind towards any ratings. This show providing case and point.

While the acting and cinematography was on point, and even the overall plot a fun rather unusual twist for any viewer.... The length was for me what did it in, along with the ending left wide open. In a show that's strained itself to get to six episodes before revealing itself, it's beyond me then why they wouldn't advance with the material they had at the end to close it up astoundingly. Untapped Potential.

In no way shape or form did this need to be a series. It would have suited itself much better to a movie. Half of the episodes delivered little to nothing towards advancing the plot. It would have been a decent watch if someone would have insisted it was shortened into a film OR decided to trim the entire thing to the first three episodes and then expanded on the Astro-projection / travel.

Eg. What happens with Adam?

Does Dan ever catch on?

Why was Adele and Dans marriage so strained?

Yes he thought she murdered someone .... He was a drug addict and she was a rich girl. Most people would write that off and not have unrelenting suspicion towards their wife.

So, having her call at the same time, taking tranquilizers? Never saying I love you? Acting so disdainful to her?

Towards the start of the show you think Dan is aware. That he knows what Adele is capable of. To only in the end reveal that he's clueless made it fall incredibly flat.
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