28 November 2023
Warning: Spoilers
I don't know why I watch these things, I really don't. I get suckered in by what could be an interesting story, only for it to manifest into the same old story: terrible people manipulate insecure people, control them and take all their money.

What got me with this one though, as others have said, is just how completely uncharismatic and bewildering transparent the two leaders are here. They have all the appeal and charisma of some snot in a jar and yet they took people in. How?

Also, I'd be no use to a cult leader because I don't have the money they need. Time and again with these shows, people talk about losing £20k, £30k, £50k! I'd be shown the door as soon as they knew I couldn't/wouldn't stump up the first £100.

Im not heartless; I do feel for the people in this show who were taken in by the charlatans who run this cult. I just don't understand how anyone ever could be taken in by such blatantly odious characters who barely stop short of admitting that they're crooks.

PS, if you like the sound of people trying to talk while crying, this show will be manna from heaven for you.
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