Good for its time but doesn't age well
30 November 2023
I know I would've loved this movie when it came out becuase this was exactly what I was into back then. But I didn't even know it existed until I saw it on Prime Video. I could tell it would be terrible, but I watched it anyway for nostalgia sake if nothing else.

So let's put it this way. It's a good movie for its time of early 2000's when boy bands were still a big deal and these sorts of movies were the rage. That's why I would've loved it because I loved boy bands, and still do.

It reminded me of my own little daydreams when I used to wish some big celebrity would knock me off my feet and fall in love with me.

That's why I'm giving it 5 stars because of the nostalgia and the reminder of a time when life was easier. When you could get little 'squee' moments out of a movie like this. When movies weren't so PC.

However it doesn't age well. At all. Watching it in 2023 definitely made me cringe. The acting is terrible. The songs are corny. There is barely a plot.

But I did love the trip down nostalgia lane, so there you go.
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