Clara & Gary are luminous...
3 December 2023
CHILDREN OF DIVORCE is one of those films that has little to recommend it in terms of story, filmmaking technique or brilliant performances.

What it does have is the luminous presence of Clara Bow at the height of her beauty, solidly coming into her talent, and acting the flapper to her usual perfection. In addition, there is Gary Cooper at the very beginning of his career, not quite a great actor but fantastically handsome and difficult to keep your eyes off him.

With the spectacular beauty of Cooper and Bow on full display, the third rising star in the trio is Esther Ralston, who, while pretty and serene, can't compete with Bow & Cooper in terms of sheer magnetism. The only other silent film I've seen her in is as the mother in Peter Pan, where she was also pretty and serene. I'd be curious to see if she is more of a standout in any of her other silent starring vehicles.

CHILDREN OF DIVORCE is worth a look if only for Bow & Cooper and what better way to pass an hour or so in such engaging company.

The print I saw was on YouTube and was truly magnificent, clear and bright and looking like it was made yesterday. My only complaint was the truly horrible piano accompaniment which almost ruined the film for me. It did nothing to support, intensify or supplement the action on the screen and was more of a distraction than an enhancement.
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