Honey West (1965–1966)
Cute ocelot
6 December 2023
Honey West (Anne Francis) does her best at maintaining the P. I. agency inherited from her father. She is not another wonder woman and makes mistakes. She knows martial arts but still gets tied up.

And Francis has an ocelot to compete with four the cutest actor.

The programs are quite dated and you can tell they were made for TV. However, it's fun looking at now our vintage cars and old-timy tape recorders. Filmed in black and white you don't get the fancy color picture that's on the cover.

The program is usually compared to the English show called "The Avengers. " And of course, everyone remembers and Francis in "Forbidden Planet ", loosely based on Shakespeare's the "Tempest."

We are looking at 31 episodes (1965)-(1966)
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