Review of Man or Gun

Man or Gun (1958)
14 December 2023
A "quiet man" known as Maybe Smith rides into the desert town of Dutch Flat, and there's some surprises awaiting him. The desperadoes play it their special way. Macdonald Carey is the man to watch.

A familiar story... but this is a different type of western, playing more like a noir film. The camera angles, the strange little music background, make it all click . This also boasts an excellent cast for a low budget production, co-starring Audrey Totter as Fran and Warren Stevens as the bad guy who you can't get enough of. Old favorite James Gleason plays the sheriff.

The film also moves, and with some solid knockdowns. The fights are very well staged by director and producer Albert Gannaway, who mastered many other B westerns to his credit.

I do agree with the last few reviewers, this has a far different feel. It definately will draw you in. No doubt, an inspiration to many later contemporary westerns, certainly the mood is there for the asking.

James Craig plays Pinch and popular character actor Ken Lynch plays Buckstrom. Special thanks to GRIT Network for bringing this one back to life after many years. This could be on dvd in multiple western box sets.
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