Never meet your heroes
29 December 2023
The Assassination of Jesse James by the Coward Robert Ford is study case on admiration turned into obsession. A close examination of how a young man is driven by jealousy towards a person he once admired.

Upon viewing the film, I've noticed how the bitter relationship between James (Pitt) and Ford (Affleck) is the main element, the main focus. The two characters have an off-putting relationship that's not even considered "Mentor - Trainee". Ford is simply portrayed as a kid who wanted his hero to take notice of him. Only once James did take notice and joked over his admirer. Ford's admiration turned into obsession, which finally turned into resentment.

Speaking of acting, Pitt is wonderful and really captivating, from body movements to sowing fear into the other characters. All his nuances are implanted in the script in a delicate way which makes it fascinating and frighting sometimes.

I can't say the same dough about Affleck, something about his acting was really annoying and felt insecure. Though it is clear his character is supposed to resemble a fan, an admirer. I wasn't moved by his emotions. Hence why the ending didn't surprise me.

As for the cinematography by Roger Deakins, I was completely astounded. Every image and shot was so beautiful and captivating. The dark shots of the train in the opening sequence, the single shot of Robert Ford fading in from the mirror, the amount of heavily detailed shots in a single film is the type of work I trust only Deakins to make.

Overall I'm really impressed by this movie, the soundtrack that accompanies the film by Nick Cave and Warren Ellis is authentic and fits the tone so well. Along with the bitter relationship between James and Ford which is filled with emotion and hostile behavior make this movie a must watch among cinephiles.
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