Melodrama and High Emotion with Little Swordfighting
2 January 2024
This is one of those films that you either fall in love with or don't care for very much.

I must confess to being indifferent.

The cast is great. The sets are great. Everything is lavishly produced. It has all the things that make an old Hollywood blockbuster great.

But for a swashbuckler, there is very little of that. Almost none, in fact. Swords get drawn and put away without being used, over and over.

Most of the film is melodrama. Hidden love, secret passion, secret children, scheming to steal a love from someone else, hidden parentage. Leo does his best to turn it up to 11 in what must have been a fun role. The rest of the cast do what they can.

If you feel like a soap opera or are a fan of the old Gainsborough Melodramas and expect the same from this movie, I'm sure you'll love it.

Lines like "I wear the mask, it does not wear me!" are designed to elicit cheers and emotions from the audience, even if they're not well written.

The orchestral score swells when it is supposed to make the blood pump.

And there are moments near the end when it looks like there's gonna be a lotta action, but there isn't much.

If you expect an action film in the vein of Flynn's Robin Hood, then you'll be sorely disappointed. Go in expecting melodramatic hokum of the highest order, and you'll get what you're looking for.

I must admit, however, that the script treats women terribly. All the female characters are basically useless, there to look pretty and act as plot devices.

Of special mention is the poor woman forced to play Christine, an absolutely useless character that lacks any personality beyond wide-eyed stupidity. I feel so bad for the actress tasked to play this thankless, awful role. She doesn't even get ANY payoff in the plot. She simply drives the men to do things, then is quickly forgotten.

Sadly, all the female characters are like that. Purely there as plot points. Set decoration that look attractive and (in the case of the queen) as child producers. It's just... not good.

For me, this film doesn't work. I can't get involved in the melodrama cause I just don't want to. I personally do not find any of the characters particularly engaging or interesting.

They're all ready to sacrifice their lives at the drop of a hat, yet there's no real emotion behind it.

Ah well. It isn't a bad film. Just temper your expectations, and know what to expect from it.
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