Heroin: Cape Cod, USA (2015 TV Movie)
great documentary👍🏽👍🏽👍🏽
8 January 2024
Overall a great movie! Touched my heart! I had no idea cape cod had this problem at one time. Hopefully some of these people are thriving now. Breaks my heart for those that succumbed to this awful disease 😢. I thank god daily for the love of my life being able to live to see sobriety, crossing my fingers for him now. Happy to learn more about addiction, the brain of an addict, and to learn that i'm an enabler and i AM in fact codependent on him. Happy to see family support groups and learn some resources that are available. But the last thing i will say is my boyfriend is unable to watch these things cause they are extremely triggering to him and i understand why! This shows very explicit videos of using and the effects of heroin also depicts very detailed descriptions of the feeling it gives you. If you're in recovery and are triggered by your DOC (drug of choice) this ISNT the movie for you and if you are freshly in recovery THIS IS NOT THE MOVIE FOR YOU i saw this: "... Scary that a healthcare professional wouldn't know that honestly ..." and ... "... they spent 15 minutes talking about the heroin high ... and i don't know why ..."

1. Literally the documentary takes you inside an addicts head! They try to get you .. someone without an addiction .. to understand why the drug is so desirable, what it feels like, what happens during the high, what they're trying to escape, etc. Someone said imagine sitting in a warm bath, how you feel it in your feet first then ask you slowly sit down the warmness run up your legs then eventually all the way to your head and you're able to relax and every muscle begins to loosen up. And that was a perfect depiction! NEXT the pharmacist not knowing that heroin gives you the same feeling as dope is understandable .. she doesn't do it .. she clearly stated she understood dope was an opiate but didn't know the feeling that you receive when taking it cause again, SHE DOESN'T USE IT! 😂 and lastly this movie/documentary ISNT FOR THOSE IN RECOVERY or THOSE IN FRESHLY IN RECOVERY! It's triggering! My boyfriend is 45, i'm 30, he's been using, with a few very short stents of recovery since he was 14 so for the last THIRTY ONE YEARS he's been on and off. He's home now and sober for going on two years and won't even look in the direction of anything that deals with his drugs of choice, dope(now fentanyl and tranq) and crack. This is because it's ALL triggering to him! Seeing other people get high, seeing how they feel, watching them nod, seeing them cop, scales, works, ANYTHING! Even though these people are bad off, homeless, jobless, whatever it doesn't matter he doesn't, just as all addicts don't think about that part of it, just like the girl said in the movie, they don't think of the consequences they only think of right now and i'll just do it today and that's it or i'll just spend this money and make it back and it never happens like that. He's adult enough and in a better place now to think of the consequences and know "oh wow if i succumb to my cravings cause of this movie, i'm going to end up back on the streets, back in jail, like these people, or worse DEAD somewhere and all my "friends" (using partners) will leave me right where i lay"! So don't blame this movie about being a trigger, don't watch it around an addict it's not the movie for them, especially not if you love them.
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