I was rooting for the dinosaurs..
13 January 2024
Just finished watching the entire franchise for reasons I can't explain. The first one is a masterpiece but anything made after that ranges from boring to laughable.. And I didn't laugh because it was funny, I laughed because it was pathetic. I counted a few attempts to be funny but it wasn't. Only positive thing about the sequels are the visual effects. They do look quite impressive but I couldn't get invested in the story at all. The first movie kept me on the edge of my seat because I felt it.. The look in the kids eyes, it felt like they were really in danger and I was there with them every step of the way.. In this one I honestly just wanted the kids to get eaten and for the dinosaurs to triumph over humanity.. And the forced love scene between the two main characters is hands down the most pathetic attempt at romance I have ever witnessed in a movie.

6.9 is too good for a movie like this. Great use of CGI does not make for a great movie, the sooner you clowns realize that the better. Thank you, and please raise your standards.
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