A confronting Netflix documentary
14 January 2024
Not many would've had an unassuming Netflix documentary on their radar as one of 2023's most horrifying films but low and behold documentary filmmaker Henry Roosevelt's Netflix original is an eye-opening and traumatic account of one families journey through hell as their sickly daughters medical condition throws them into a shocking series of events that changed their lives forever.

A workmanlike feature that is happy to do things by the book and explore the Kowalski families dealings with the American medical, parental and judicial system in a way that is easy to digest and far from over stylised, Take Care of Maya may not deliver knockout blows or technical feats to write home about but Roosevelt and his subjects are clearly passionate about what they exploring in this warts and all doco that seems as if its almost too horrifying to be real.

Saying too much about what occurs to Jack Kowalski and his family when his oldest child and only daughter Maya succumbs to a debilitating disease, only to discover that their dealings with the medical system in the United States will lead them down a dark and seemingly impossible to exist path would be a disservice to this documentary that is best viewed with as little prior knowledge of the story as possible for maximum impact.

It's not always easy viewing, Take Care of Maya tackles some dark and intense subject matters but it's always handled with a care and respect for all involved and the Kowalski family themselves make for relatable and likeable subject matters even in the fact of insurmountable odds and by allowing the various family members associated with this story a time to tell their own story, Roosevelt has given audiences a lot to ponder and consider as they move on from the film once the credits begin to roll.

There is a sense that outside of the Kowalski family there is more story to tell that Roosevelt's film barely gets a chance to skim through and there are times where you wish more could've been showcased from others outside of the direct family but overall this is a strong Netflix documentary that shines a light on a subject matter that deserves to be investigated on a much higher level.

Final Say -

An almost unbelievable true story that is at times heartbreaking and horrifying, Take Care of Maya doesn't attempt to do anything unexpected but what it does is present facts and insights around a situation that is far from a one off, a shocking fact indeed and one that needs to be highlighted.

3 1/2 social distancing signs out of 5

Jordan and Eddie (The Movie Guys)
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