CSI: Crime Scene Investigation: For Gedda (2008)
Season 8, Episode 17
Season finale
2 February 2024
Warning: Spoilers
I watched this episode when it first aired and I believe it was pretty well known Warrick wasn't coming back, or at least it was a high likelihood. So as the episode went on you don't want something bad to happen to him, but you weren't exactly shocked either. They do make you think for a bit at the end "well maybe he is going to stay!" Then they pull the rug out under you. They left the door wide open for Sarah to return, but Warrick is definitely gone.

I do agree with some reviews about there being a lot of plot holes, although I think Warrick not having his blood tested was more of a clue than anything. Why did the person running the investigation not get labs? To hide evidence, of course. Although why wasn't Warrick himself yelling to get his blood drawn asap? That didn't make sense. I also have watched enough tv to believe his union rep should have been there to protect him and get him a lawyer immediately. And as a probable final plot hole, the undersheriff left his fingerprints all over Warrick's car. He only wiped off the gun before he walked away. So...

I do agree as well with another reviewer that the opening scene was gratuitous, if not racist. How does it make sense to hide a corpse in the coffin of a very large man so it was bound to break? Why not keep pursing the funeral home director as an accomplice? Why did our gang stand around the grave making really obnoxious comments and jokes about the dead person - with his family standing right there?!? And finally, why make the crowd decide to fight the CSI's for no reason other than "Black people are just like that?"

In the end though, it just gets old hearing people complain when a show changes. Long running shows either change or get cancelled. If you don't like it, stop watching. As it is, we are left with a bit of a cliffhanger about what will happen the next season. I can't remember if they ever answer Warrick's question about why was Gedda himself killed. Is there someone even higher up who needed the whole mess cleaned up? Or is it going to be dropped? As of now though, a character we watched and liked for 8 years is gone.

Edited to add that I love that the redhead Nick was eyeing at the end is played by the same actress who was Jessica on True Blood. One of my favorite characters. He has good taste!
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