The Episode That Every New Driver Took To Heart
11 February 2024
A wonderfully creative and entertaining episode, fully believable when America was still largely rural, and still relevant today. While a phony pickup 'n leave small town banking on the booty from hijacked trucks is fictional, small town speed traps are not. Take the case of the tiny Lake of the Ozarks speed trap town of Macks Creek MO, which made the mistake of entrapping a motorist who was a state legislator, who returned to work hell-bent on dismantling it. His investigation revealed a huge chunk of the town's revenue came from dubious "speeding violations", resulting in state laws forcing similar speed-trap schemes in small towns in Missouri to also go straight. Similarly, another tiny Missouri town, St. George just outside St. Louis, was dissolved entirely due to sketchy police officers abusing their power. I lived just 3 miles from St. George, and applauded its demise.
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