Review of Feardotcom

Feardotcom (2002)
Fear & Loathing This Nightmare
11 February 2024
Wait. It's fear dot com dot com? Seriously?

This was made by someone who loved A Nightmare on Elm Street, The Ring, Seven and the Hellraiser direct-to-video sequels. In fact, I'm shocked this wasn't somehow turned into Hellraiser: Hell Online.

Truthfully, I never had an interest in seeing this unless I had an urge for a bad movie night. My favorite YouTube channel covered this for their podcast so I had to subject myself to this mess. Now, I can listen to said podcast and it better be worth it.

Anyone who visits, haha, fear dot com dot com, has about 48 hours before they perish and it's up to one terrible detective and the worst-ever Department of Health employee (who somehow got promoted to detective) to solve who's behind a bunch of deaths linked to this fear dot com dot com. Oh, and sleepwalking Jeffrey Combs is here to collect a paycheck.

The first half of this movie wasn't great, but not the worst I've seen. Somewhere in the middle this spiraled out of control and I have no idea how they could've messed this up any further. It just goes from bad to terrible and worse, this is probably 25 minutes longer than it needed to be.

Yes, this was made when the internet was still a baby and not everyone knew that much about "logging in" or "being online." Of course, Hollywood (and definitely Japan) would capitalize on that as they did with many more movies made about the net and even VHS tapes. Mercifully and probably the only positive I could find: it wasn't really THAT dated, aside from a few small floppy disc moments and how they perceived subscribers.

There is zero reason to log into fear dot com dot com. Unless you're like me and needed to get the scoop before logging into Dead Meat's Podcast channel.


Final Thoughts: You could have a drinking game with how Loosey Goosey the "Department of Health" takes potential virus crises. My favorites: the Health Associate's boss casually asks if what she found at a crime scene was Eboli and she just says no. "Whew!" solved. This and her swiftly jumping into a body of water that screams disease.
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