Review of Suncoast

Suncoast (2024)
When Coming-of-Age Comes Up Short
15 February 2024
Suncoast (2024) feels like a cinematic equivalent of a lukewarm cup of tea - it has all the elements to be soothing and delightful, yet somehow misses the mark. The film ambitiously attempts to weave a semi-autobiographical tapestry of adolescence, illness, and unexpected camaraderie, but ends up feeling more like a patchwork quilt made by someone who forgot to thread the needle. It's not that it's bad, per se; it's just that it sits comfortably in the realm of "meh," a word I suspect might have been uttered in many a pitch meeting during its production.

The protagonist, with her brother's illness casting a shadow over her formative years, is poised to deliver a heart-wrenching performance. However, the emotional depth we're promised feels as deep as a puddle in the Sahara. Then there's the eccentric activist - a character who could have been a breath of fresh, rebellious air but instead comes off as the human equivalent of a quirky sock. Their unusual friendship, meant to be the film's emotional cornerstone, occasionally hits the right notes but often feels like listening to a symphony where half the orchestra didn't show up.

Why is Suncoast just okay? It's like a meal that fills you up but leaves you questioning whether you actually enjoyed it. The cinematography is decent, capturing the Suncoast's scenic beauty with a certain flair that suggests 'Instagram vacation' rather than 'cinematic masterpiece.' The soundtrack tries hard to be poignant, but at times it's reminiscent of elevator music - present, noticeable, but not particularly impactful. Ultimately, Suncoast is the kind of film you might half-watch on a plane, occasionally glancing out the window, and then forget by the time you've grabbed your luggage. It's not without its charms, but perhaps it's best suited for a niche audience that finds existential meaning in lukewarm beverages.
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