Review of The Rook

The Rook (2019)
Totally Brilliant, twisty, dark and yet inspiring
21 February 2024
I started my rating at a 9 at the beginning and I changed it to 10 by series end because this series is outstanding. There were a few holes in the first couple of episode - probably part of translating a book with a whole lot of juicy rabbit holes in it to the screen. And I tend to think we might have needed a little more cohesion and explanation and when the backflash finally came I was a little surprised.

Despite these flaws, by the finish I never wanted it to end - so much to engage with and I LOVED watching Myfanwy come into herself - simply brilliant portrayal. By the end I also adored Gestalt, in fact Myf's whole personal world of EVAs were endeared to the audience - I'm just not sure how as I didn't like many of them in the beginning but by the end, it all made sense to me just like over time it did to Myfanwy. Now that is an achievement as usually if I dislike them in the beginning, I dislike them at the end.

In summary, brilliant and fun, twisty and dark and yet so full of hope.

My advice is to let go of the novel as this is a totally different offering but I liked the series just as much.
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