Some of this material is controversial.
24 February 2024
Take THE FOX AND THE THREE MINKS. Not unlike deer, elk and moose, mink is both a singular and plural term. Therefore, it is just as improper to say "minks" as it would be to reference "mooses." Furthermore, the Modern World deems mink coats to be barbaric when worn by humans. This is why the Mink's Revenge is considered to be poetic justice. When people learned that mink could "catch" the corona bug, many mink "farms" exterminated their "livestock." But the farmers themselves seem too dense to realize that mink savants rubbed their heads together, and came up with the pandemic as a means of exacting payback for centuries of abuse at the hands of vicious furriers. That's why the fox depicted here is perceived as such a villain by Today's populace.
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