So hard to watch but not surprised
25 February 2024
This documentary is heart wrenching but expected to some degree 💔

When you don't honor & respect others - as was done daily under the guise of a career... When you don't honor & respect yourself by staying with a man who disrespected and dishonored you in public and private under the guise of a marriage... When you don't respect and honor your body by abusing drugs & alcohol under the guise of partying...

It's not a surprise to anyone with eyes that Wendy Williams' world, health and marriage came crashing down around her.

Although her decisions & lifestyle choices heavily determined much of the heartache she's enduring at this time in her journey, Prayers up for her healing spiritually primarily bcuz it's unlikely she will heal from what she's dealing with physically or mentally. I send prayers for her family as well who suffers seeing a loved ones life unravels in such a painful and public way. It's also sad that those around her are blinded by some fake form of loyalty instead of admitting the obvious to anyone with eyes to see and ears to hear that mentally as well as physically, it's Crystal clear shes not ok.

May her family remove all these fake ppl from her life and keep her safe as she rides this out. There is no cure for the ailments she has, all they can do is love on her and get her the professional help she needs. Prayers for all involved cause this situation is heartbreaking 💔 It's a hard watch.
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